2025 Town of Los Gatos Community Survey

Dear Los Gatos Resident,
We request your participation in the 2025 Town of Los Gatos Community Survey! Town Council and Town staff believe it is crucial to ask our residents whether they are satisfied with services provided to the community. Asking questions ensures the Town's priorities are aligned with the needs of our residents; it is important to know what you think.

Your participation is necessary to make the survey a success. We greatly appreciate your time. We realize this survey takes some time to complete, but every question is crucial. The time you invest in this survey will influence decisions that will be made about the Town’s future. Your responses will also help Council Members and Town staff gauge the success of their efforts to carry out the community's vision for Los Gatos and to address the many opportunities and challenges it faces.

The Town has selected ETC Institute to administer this survey. Since 1982, ETC Institute has been serving local government organizations and is the leading market research firm in the nation. Your responses will remain confidential. If you have any questions, please contact: ETC Institute’s Project Manager Ryan Murray at (913) 254-4598 or by email to ryan.murray@etcinstitute.com.

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Thank you very much for taking the time to provide your valuable input to help us understand your priorities, concerns, and insights, and the opportunities that we have in this wonderful Town. Your participation is greatly appreciated.